Father's Day presents

I found this cute Father's Day t-shirt at Walmart.  It comes in Grandpa too.  I just thought they were cute, so I bought them.  They come with the paint to put hand prints on the t-shirt.  I did my older daughter's hands and my baby's feet.
It would make a cute card.
I also like this idea to make a key chain out of your child's foot print.  She used shrinky dink materials.  You do not have to go out and buy the plastic.  You can use any plastic container.  Like a salad bar container.  Arby's puts their bake potato in them.  One year we asked them to donate some for a Christmas ornament art project, and they gave us a whole case.  very generous.
I'm going to do this for my parents, who live far away now.  Great keep sake. 
Check out directions here

Some tips when making shrinky things
Use permanent markers.
Make sure you put it in oven marker side up.
Preheat oven.  You don't need it to be really hot, just consistent.
Make them bigger before shrunk, the hole for the key chain needs to be about 3 times the size you need.
Don't panic!  It looks like it is going to shrivel up.  I've ruined a few things trying to get it to go back straight.
When they flatten they are done.  Use a spatula to take it out. It will be hot.
You may have to do more than one to get it right.


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