edible crayons

     I have been waiting forever to make these but just couldn't figure out when and for whom.  This is where I saw the idea for edible crayons.  I had problems printing the wrappers, so I wasted a lot of paper.  Use your print preview to find the page to print if you are having trouble too.  The color words did not print out.  They still look cute.  I decided I will make them for all the teachers at my daughters new school.  There are a lot of teachers, so I decided to make a bunch for everyone instead of individual ones.  I thought you might like to see them before school starts, so you can decide if you want to try them.
These are what Teaching Heart Mom's looked like.
I am doing a few things different because ingredients are just harder to find here.  I am using pretzel rods and breaking them in half instead of twisty pretzels.  I also could not find already colored candies.  So, I bought a huge block of white vanilla candy, and I'll put food coloring in it.  I'm sure the colored ones will have much brighter.  

     Next I went to making a box to hold all the crayons I would make.  I used a cereal box.  Cut it in have, then cut the top down the sides so I could fold them in.  Glue gun worked best.  Then you need to cut it in the middle on 3 sides, so it will fold back.  It was starting to rip, so I reinforced it with some book tape.  I will put a sheet of wax paper on the inside to protect the food.

I tried to cover it with paper like a present and then glue.  Well that didn't work out so well.  The glue soaked through too much.  I then tried card stock, cutting it the sizes of each side.  That worked much better, but if I was going to do multiples, I would try using contact paper or those sticky book covers that come in many colors.

I wanted to use scrap booking stickers to spell Crayola, but couldn't find the size and color I wanted, so I just used my good old Crayola markers to write it. Then, I used the extra lines from the wrappers I printed out wrong as decoration and some scrap booking line stickers to add some color.

If you want to make individuals, like for all the kids in your child's class, I would recommend finding a print out and putting it on card stock.  I found lots when I was looking.

I wrote this poem to put on the back of the box.

Welcome back to a new school year.
Time to rush but have no fear.
Plan, set up, and decorate.
The kids will be ready on the first school date.

Though it may get a bit stressful for you,
Try to remember DO NOT eat the glue.
Before you know it, the year will be gone.
So go ahead and taste a crayon.

Here are some other crayon related activities, incase you are giving them to your class.
colored crayon box templateI might be trying these too.

Here is another adorable back to school gift.  A list of ingredients here.
clip art and stuff


  1. I have always wanted to make those too!!! Perhaps I will make a set of crayons for the kids as a welcome to school gift??

  2. How cute! I must link this up on my fan page as I am always posting about "editable" things and every time, one of my fans thinks I am saying "edible." They will love this! Thanks :)

    The Organized Classroom Blog

  3. I recall a story we had read in the 2nd grade, about a family who's car had broken down while out for a drive and they did not have any food with them, but had some crayons which were, somehow, edible. so I thought to do a google search for the story. have not found it yet, but found alot of recipes for edible "crayons" made from pretzels. hoping to find the story or actual crayons that were edible.


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