Literacy Centers- Name work/ word work
Exploring words in a variety of ways will help children learn spelling and improve vocabulary. I believe in a hands- on approach even when spelling words. I plan on making word boxes using sight words I will show you as soon as they are finished. I will be using the empty baby food containers and stickers and other letters. Children will be able to put the words together using the outside word as an example. I may also make a surprise word box when they start reading words a little better. For now here are some really special ideas I would like to try this year.
Name work- provides letters so children can practice their names without worrying about correct letter formation. These activities easily fit on a tray to encourage individual work.
Word work- for older children
Toddler approved, easy name puzzle
This would be fun to use to spell names.
And here is a great way to store them. Kids could take them home.
crayon rubbings with word puzzles
Valentine's words and other great Valentine's printables
Digging up your name or letters in a word, you could use plastic letters too.
Color words with Brown Bear, Brown Bear downloads thanks to Doodle bugs teaching
She has a lot of neat printables to check out too.
color by number site words
word and picture cards in color
printable site word stuff. I love 1+1+1=1 playdo mats.
label your home, I send home a game like this, but she makes them pretty.
Now tell me the boys wont want to do this
Great for site words
I love this using colored alphabet pasta, and lots of other great ideas too.
Here is another great color word printable
I like these spinny spellers
I've been hearing a lot of sylable work going on.
This is a cute way to do it. You can purchase the monster unit from Mrs. Lee's kindergarten from tpt
Here is a free syllable or clapping out words center sheet. I love all the centers at You have to visit. The Jenga game is neat learning fun. I want the gumball machine game.
This is a great word family center. You'll also find a word family stick game.
Name work- provides letters so children can practice their names without worrying about correct letter formation. These activities easily fit on a tray to encourage individual work.
Word work- for older children
Milk caps or bottle tops make a simple name game. You can make each child a set and put it in a baggies with a label or just provide plenty of letters for children to chose from.
Toddler approved, easy name puzzle
This would be fun to use to spell names.
And here is a great way to store them. Kids could take them home.
crayon rubbings with word puzzles
Valentine's words and other great Valentine's printables
Digging up your name or letters in a word, you could use plastic letters too.
Color words with Brown Bear, Brown Bear downloads thanks to Doodle bugs teaching
She has a lot of neat printables to check out too.
color by number site words
word and picture cards in color
printable site word stuff. I love 1+1+1=1 playdo mats.
label your home, I send home a game like this, but she makes them pretty.
Now tell me the boys wont want to do this
Great for site words
I love this using colored alphabet pasta, and lots of other great ideas too.
Here is another great color word printable
I like these spinny spellers
I've been hearing a lot of sylable work going on.
This is a cute way to do it. You can purchase the monster unit from Mrs. Lee's kindergarten from tpt
Here is a free syllable or clapping out words center sheet. I love all the centers at You have to visit. The Jenga game is neat learning fun. I want the gumball machine game.
This is a great word family center. You'll also find a word family stick game.
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