Fingerplay Friday- Turkeys

Mr. Turkey

Mr. Turkey, Mr. Turkey
Big and Fat, Big and Fat
I am going to eat you, I am going to eat you.
Just like that, Just like that.

Mr. Turkey

I have a turkey big and fat,
He spreads his wings and walks like that
His daily corn he would not miss
And when he talks it sounds like this
gobble, gobble, gobble

5 Fat Turkeys

5 fat turkeys sitting on a fence.
The first one said, " Oh, my , I'm immense!"
The second one said, " I can gobble at you,"
The third one said, "I can gobble too."
The forth one said, "I can spread my tail."
The fifth one said, "Don't catch it on a nail."
The farmer came by and had to say,
"Turkeys look best on Thanksgiving Day."

Not a Turkey by Karl Fuchs

Mom is in the kitchen
and when I take a look
I'm glad I'm not a turkey
that she's about to cook


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