Fingerplay Friday- 5 Little Holiday poems

5 Little Christmas Trees
5 little Christmas trees standing all alone
Their hears were very sad
cause they hadn't found a home
Then chop went he ax and down fell the tree
And off it went with a happy family

4 little....
3 little...
2 little...
1 little...
No little Christmas trees standing all alone
Their hearts were very happy
cause they all found a home.

5 Little Stockings
5 little stockings hanging by the fire.
the first one said, "I'm getting tired."
the second one said, "But Santa's in the air."
the third one said, "yeah and we care."
the forth one said, "Oh fun, fun, fun."
the fifth one said, "Christmas time is fun."
Ding went the clock and out went the fire.
And 5 little stockings were filled by Santa that night.

5 Little Reindeer
the first little reindeer went to the market.
to buy some Christmas trees.
the second little reindeer went to the elf shop
to supervise the toys.
the third little reindeer hurried to the cookie factory
to prepare for girls and boys.
the forth little reindeer went to the TV stations
to ready the Christmas shows.
And the fifth little reindeer went to see old man winter
to order the seasons snow.

This last one seems unfinished.  Can anyone finish it?


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