Car Trip Fun- Magnetic I Spy Game

This is a cute tin I got for Valentine's Day.  It had a cookie in it.  After eating the cookie, I couldn't throw the tin away.  When I saw this idea from someone, sorry I don't remember where, I had to use this.
I will give it to my daughter in the car on the long trip to Florida.

I used some heart foam pieces and guled them to magnets.  I them printed out letters in her name and some number and cut them into the shape of the tin.  She can move the magnet to cover the letter or number she finds on our trip.  Kind of an I spy road trip.

I also took the puzzles pieces out of this princess tin.  It was too hard for her.  I found the crown pieces on a paint chip sheet that was from Disney.

I thought I could put pictures of the princesses in it.  Then she could cover them up as she sees them at Disney World.  I'm just not sure I want to hold onto it at the park.

This was really easy to make and could easily be adapted to use in the classroom as an I spy game or a matching game.


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