4th of July Fireworks

     When you work with young children, you have to remember things don't always turn out the way they were planned.  Then, you add in a new supply, which makes things even more difficult.  That was today.  First, I wanted to  try spraying with water color paint. I tried using old markers to tint the water.  I saw it somewhere. 
Great for recycling but it didn't show up on the paper very well.
It just got the paper wet.
Then, I added food coloring to water. That helped, but just wasn't giving the firework affect.  I have done this with watered down paint and it does work, but I was hoping to do something different.

So I found this funny thing still in its wrapper.  I think it is a vegetable washer.
I just put paint on a plate.  And found some glitter glue.

Then she made another one with people watching.  Look at the cute little people.
And as most projects end up with 4 year olds.
I thought we had just done enough with color mixing.

here are some other great holiday activities


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