DIY projects

     Since I haven't had a lot of time to prepare something fun to blog about, I thought I would get my favorites organized.  These are all ideas and links of do-it-yourself projects I would like to try one day.
     Thanks to everyone for sharing your great ideas.
Although the containers are beautiful, they are covered in chalkboard paint, homemade.  You can make it in any color.

Post image for DIY Kids: Play Dressing Table from a Cardboard Box
Cute as can be made from a card board box.

Roll-up Kitchen Playmat
Simple and easily stored because it rolls up.

These are in the process, but printer is out of ink.

Cute and colorful.

This has always been on my to-do list.  Ten years running.

Hopefully, I can write backwards.
Also, perfect for special ed.

DIY Light Table and color disks.

And here are some more DIY stuff
egg carton bulletin board
egg carton bulletin board

Texture Lid
texture boards and here are more

edible paint

water play board and window easel

Teach Preschool has amazing ideas I always love.


  1. This is an excellent list of ideas! I love all these!

  2. love it! Very..very creative!

  3. Thank you for including the cardboard box dressing table on your list, this is a great collection :)


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