Children get to explore numbers in a variety of forms. Numeral to set These types of games are very simple to make. Pick any theme. Cut shapes or buy them already cut out. Then find something that goes with the shape to use as counters. I like using those shaped erasers you can buy at the dollar store. Here are butterflies cut from the ellison machine. I put numbers 1-10 on the front and 11-20 on the back just so higher level thinkers can have a challenge. I have snowmen, cars, Christmas trees, hearts, and flowers. Any little manipulative piece can be paired with a shape to make a thematic game. You can also buy store bought games and adapt them to your needs. This game is cute but is too easy. It is set up more like flash cards so that kids can count the number of M&M's on each card. I use bowls or thought about making candy jars with the little M&M pieces. great number work This site has the cutest printab...
We read this book by Leo Lionni about 2 friends, little blobs of color, who are different yet are the best of friends. They show all the events of their day together after accidentally squishing together becoming green during a hug. While teaching, I would have the kids find a friend to do this art activity. I would paint one child's hand blue and one child's hand yellow. Then they squished their hands together representing the hug in the book. Since I only have one child, we adapted it this way to make a book. One hand was painted one color the other hand painted a different color, then rug together. We made hand prints on paper I had printed simple words to recreate the story. "This is Little Red. This is Little Blue. They are friends. They hugged, and hugged, and hugged. They turned Purple. We did all the primary colors and added white to red and black. My daughter loves singing the mixing colors song on Little...
I don't have a lot of experience with a specific writing curriculum, but I have acquired a lot of knowledge though observation, conferences, college classes, and reading. I was very fortunate to have a really good language arts teacher in college. She showed us how important real literature and writing go hand in hand to teach children to read and write. Before a child is ready to write, Handwriting Without Tears , has shown that children progress in markings in a certain order. First, side to side, then up and down, then a cross, then a circle, then a square, then a triangle. This just states that diagonal writing is the hardest for little hands to make. So, don't start writing with letter A. When children start to assign meaning to their marks, then starts the real writing. I found this very neat worksheet somewhere and thought it was a good description for parents to look at. I hang it up...
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