Literacy centers- Library/ Reading

You are suppose to have like 14 books per child available to children each day in order to promote good reading.  And, the books need to be rotated often.  I don't nearly have that  many available, but I like to try to get as many books out as possible.  That doesn't mean you need to have 14 of the same book or that they need to be good quality books. 

So how do you collect enough books?  I have found books at garage sales, scholastic $1 books and freebies, Dollar Tree, and thrift stores.  Books in your library don't have to be the same as read alouds.  Board books, old books, black and white books, or any kind of book will work.  Don't forget to provide inexpensive paperback copies of your favorite read alouds and provide multiple copies of the children's favorites.  Make sure you put out books that are from the different genres and different reading levels.  You can also have class or child made books available.

Are you new to children's books or need new ideas for books. If you need help finding good quality books check here.

No Time for Flash Cards has many posts on good children's books.

Teach Preschool has an amazing collection of books, click on a book and it will take you to the website for ideas to go with the book.
Here  you'll find some neat books with activities to go with them.  It is geared towards younger kids.

How do you organize all those books?  You could organize them library style by the Author's name. I find this very difficult to find books since I can't always remember the author's name.  I organize my books by the subject it best fits with.  Ex.  apples, ABC books, or dinosaur books

How do you train kids to use the library or reading center?  We know what we want the library center to look like.  Quiet children reading a book attentively.  That probably wont happen.  Practice talking in a quiet voice.  Teach children they can read the words, the pictures, or the story.  This will keep them from saying "I don't know how to read."  I like to teach how to respect the books.  They don't belong on the floor.  They shouldn't be ripped or colored on.  Some kids have never had books before, so they just don't know how to use them.

How do you assess the reading center?  In order to rationalize the simple joy of reading to some people, providing an assessment every once in a while helps ease their minds.

Provide a simple sheet that has children write the title and author of a book they read and space to draw a picture about the story or line to write their favorite part.

Live, Love and Laugh has a free printable to go with ABC books

Provide a project to make a connection with the book.

Just remember, in order to learn to read, children need to find reading enjoyable.  So, make it fun, give them plenty of opportunities to read, and provide lots to read.


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